How to fix 'sudo: unable to resolve host vm76: Name or service not known' error

The error message "sudo: unable to resolve host [hostname]: Name or service not known" typically indicates that the hostname of your virtual machine is not properly configured.

To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal window on your virtual machine.
  2. Check the hostname of your virtual machine by running the command: hostname
  3. Edit the /etc/hosts file using the command: sudo nano /etc/hosts
  4. In the hosts file, add the IP address and hostname of your virtual machine in the following format: IP_address hostname, for example: vm76
  5. Save and close the hosts file.
  6. Check that the hostname is properly configured by running the command: sudo hostnamectl set-hostname [hostname]
  7. Reboot your virtual machine for the changes to take effect by running the command: sudo reboot

After completing these steps, the "sudo: unable to resolve host [hostname]: Name or service not known" error should be resolved, and you should be able to use the sudo command without any issues.

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