How to fix 'TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable' errror

This means you attempted to index an object that doesn't have that functionality. In simple terms your code is returning void or nothing. In such a case you will have to fine tune your code to direct it to the exact location of the data you intend to scrape, that's with web scraping.

It may also occur if you assign the result of built-in methods like append() , sort() , and reverse() to a variable. 

In Python data types are the following; 

  1. Binary Types: memoryview, bytearray, bytes.
  2. Boolean Type: bool.
  3. Set Types: frozenset, set.
  4. Mapping Type: dict.
  5. Sequence Types: range, tuple, list.
  6. Numeric Types: complex, float, int.
  7. Text Type: str.

So once your program meets None of the above it's going to throw the 'None-type' error. Get it now? Happy coding!

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