How to install PostgreSql on WSL

Install PostgreSQL

To install PostgreSQL on WSL (ie. Ubuntu):

  1. Open your WSL terminal (ie. Ubuntu).
  2. Update your Ubuntu packages: sudo apt update
  3. Once the packages have updated, install PostgreSQL (and the -contrib package which has some helpful utilities) with: sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
  4. Confirm installation and get the version number: psql --version

There are 3 commands you need to know once PostgreSQL is installed:

  • sudo service postgresql status for checking the status of your database.
  • sudo service postgresql start to start running your database.
  • sudo service postgresql stop to stop running your database.

The default admin user, postgres, needs a password assigned in order to connect to a database. To set a password:

  1. Enter the command: sudo passwd postgres
  2. You will get a prompt to enter your new password.
  3. Close and reopen your terminal.

To run PostgreSQL with psql shell:

  1. Start your postgres service: sudo service postgresql start
  2. Connect to the postgres service and open the psql shell: sudo -u postgres psql

Once you have successfully entered the psql shell, you will see your command line change to look like this: postgres=#


Alternatively, you can open the psql shell by switching to the postgres user with: su - postgres and then entering the command: psql.

To exit postgres=# enter: \q or use the shortcut key: Ctrl+D

To see what user accounts have been created on your PostgreSQL installation, use from your WSL terminal: psql -c "\du" ...or just \du if you have the psql shell open. This command will display columns: Account User Name, List of Roles Attributes, and Member of role group(s). To exit back to the command line, enter: q.

For more about working with PostgreSQL databases, see the PostgreSQL docs.

To work with with PostgreSQL databases in VS Code, try the PostgreSQL extension.

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