How to roll back to a previous commit in Git

To roll back to a previous commit in Git, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to your Git repository.

  2. Type git log to view a list of your previous commits. Identify the commit that you want to roll back to, and copy the commit hash (a string of characters that uniquely identifies the commit).

  3. Type git reset <commit-hash> to roll back to the commit that you identified in the previous step. This will reset the HEAD to the specified commit, meaning that any changes that were made after that commit will be discarded. Note that this operation will not remove any of the previous commits.

  4. If you want to remove the changes made in the commits after the one you rolled back to, you can use the --hard option, which will discard all changes after the specified commit. For example, type git reset --hard <commit-hash>.

  5. After rolling back to the previous commit, you can verify that you are at the correct commit by typing git log again.

  6. Finally, if you want to push the changes to the remote repository, you will need to use the git push --force command to overwrite the remote branch with your changes.

Note that rolling back to a previous commit can be a destructive operation, so it's important to make sure that you have a backup of any important changes before proceeding.

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